Saturday, January 20, 2018

HISTORY: How Important Is It?

History has been taken for granted by many people.

Questions like "Why do we need to study it?", "Past is in the past, why bother learning about it?", "It's boring, can we skip History?"

Little did they know, history can help us become a better person we can be. History is not just all about what's in the books. It's not just all about who are the heroes and villains of the past. It is to learn on how to appreciate the contributions from our ancestors and how to value the mistakes made from our past.

Everything we do is going to be part of the history. Just like what Edward Hallet Carr said "History is ... a dialogue between the present and the past. ". Studying this will help us connect our past to the present, and prepare us for our future.It helps us understand the reasons why we live the way we live right at this moment.

We may have learned about the two world wars, the French revolution, the Renaissance, or even our country's colonizers, but just like what I said earlier, it's not just all about what's in the books. This is more like a big preparation for every individual in facing the real world.

As educators, regardless of the specialization, our role is to let our students learn more than what is printed on a 300-page-book. We honestly don't need to memorize all the information we can find in our textbooks, it is all about appreciating and realizing the importance of history, and that is for us to learn from the past's mistake, and avoid to repeat the same action again. By learning, generally, it will practice and develop our soft and hard skills which will eventually make us become well-prepared adults in the future.


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