Monday, February 5, 2018

My Philosophies of Life

I believe most of us are living by a philosophy [some might also call it a principle]. No matter how simple or complicated it is, we live every single day by this philosophy.

To those who don't specifically have a philosophy, you might ask "What is living by a philosophy would mean in my life?", "Do I need to learn philosophy just to have a philosophy in life?", or "Do I even need to know what philosophy I must live by?"

According to reallylivelife 
"Philosophy of life is an overall vision or attitude toward life and the purpose of life.". 
With a philosophy, it will help us become positive towards life, no matter how dark and stormy it is. 

As for me, I have three of many philosophies I always keep in mind. 

3. Finish what you have started
This philosophy greatly helped me with my daily life. I am someone who would easily get distracted by other stuff. I am someone who always makes a long list of "New Years' Resolution". I would write about diet, studies, improve oneself and more. It's a list that kept on repeating every single year. haha. don't laugh. 

One of my goals for the past years is to finish my undergraduate studies. All of us struggled with finishing a 4-year course in college. It frustrates us so much that we almost wanted to stop. During the first 2 years of college, we thought that we can just easily finish this. Then when we stepped on our 3rd and 4th year, there's never been a day that we thought of not quitting. Fortunately, with guidance and prayers, I was able to graduate on time, and even passed my board examination. Thank God! 

2. Keep moving forward
This philosophy has been inspired by the movie "Meet the Robinsons" by Disney. This helped me accept every failure I had in my life. Rather than viewing such experiences as a negative impact, I actually valued it as a lesson and be happy about it. Who knows, better things are on the way to our lives?

Let's admit it. All of us are wishing for something. We would even insist or force it until we can finally have it. We also experience the times when we failed to have it. Then we get disappointed, sad, depressed, everything that is negative. We would even blame God for it. 

As I reflected on it, I realized that these things that I actually want in my life are not for me. If we can't have it, then maybe it's not really for us. It's not yet the proper time to claim the prize. Simple as that. However, this doesn't mean that we will just give up. The point is we just need to keep improving ourselves until we are prepared enough to aim our goal in life.

Whenever we experience a bad day, always remember that it's only a bad day, not a bad life.

1. THE GOLDEN RULE: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
I always live by this philosophy. This inspired and guided me to do good to everything. I know, all of us are sinful. We cannot avoid committing a sin. But through this philosophy, it will always remind me that doing bad just means that I'm doing bad to myself too. 

For example, disobeying my parents. I always felt bad doing this to my mom and dad. It made me think that "If I kept on doing this to my parents, my kids in the future might do this to me as well!". Well, I honestly believe in karma. The karma might not bounce back to us, but things we do would indirectly hit our future children and grandchildren. 

It's a great philosophy every mankind must live by. I mean, come on! We will not lose a thing if we just keep this philosophy in mind, right? This will also help us lead a better and peaceful life with other people.

There's nothing wrong living with a philosophy. It would even help us to stay positive in every second of our life. Our lives are too short than what we expected. We have to live every moment and treasure it. As we go on, let us inspire other people, most importantly the youth. We might be able to make a difference just by simply showing other people how we live with a philosophy/principle.

How about you? What is your philosophy in life? 

1 comment:

  1. Smile, even if you can't answer that question on your oral recitation.
